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Chantelle Lefebvre
Oct 29, 2020
Domestic Violence in Family Law
The interplay between family law and domestic violence is something family law lawyers regularly deal with.

Chantelle Lefebvre
Oct 3, 2020
Family Law Litigation FAQ's
â–¶ What if we agree on some aspects of our separation/divorce but not others? It is not necessary to disagree about everything to litigate...

Chantelle Lefebvre
May 10, 2020
How does Family Law Litigation Work?
This post describes the steps and processes involved in family law litigation.

Chantelle Lefebvre
Feb 19, 2020
'Pathogenic Parenting' - What Is It?
If you hang around courtrooms or like to read about the latest in mental health and parenting, you may have heard the term ‘pathogenic...

Chantelle Lefebvre
Feb 19, 2020
The Legality of Recording Conversations
I have had many clients going through high-conflict separations ask me whether they can legally record conversations between themselves...

Chantelle Lefebvre
Feb 19, 2020
I Have To Go To Court And Don't Know What To Expect
Do you have any upcoming court date? If so, you may be experiencing some anxiety because you don’t know what to say or do, or how to...

Chantelle Lefebvre
Feb 19, 2020
The Child's Voice in Legal Proceedings - Part 2
In the last issue, we discussed the importance of including a child’s voice in custody and access disputes. In this issue, we will...

Chantelle Lefebvre
Feb 17, 2020
What is Practice Note 2?
If you are planning a trip to family law chambers in Alberta, you need to know about Practice Note 2 (PN2). There are strictly enforced...

Chantelle Lefebvre
Feb 17, 2020
When Can A Child Decide Where They Legally Want To Live?
The issue of where a child should live following a divorce or separation is a common one. Parents constantly tell me that their child is...
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